In the war of business, every soldier must have the proper artillery to be able to defeat his/ her opponent during combat. VI4V follows the battle-buddy technigue (Derived from The U.S. Army), which states that any soldier that wears the uniform will never leave their own astray while fighting against insurgents (Big-Time Crooks) that been ahead of the game for years to decades. From the transition of a Active-Duty soldier to a civilian, VI4V also follows all 7 of the Army Core Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self-Less Service, Honor, Integrity & Personal Courage. By stating this, LEADERSHIP is what makes us "The Great Lakes Ruler In Graphics & The Arts". March with us as we stand proud to serve you and this beautiful/ Cruel World. Our arsenal consist of the following PR weaponry:
* Graphic Design
* Web Development
* Marketing
* Consultant
* Public Relations
* Production
* Trademarking
* Company Branding
* Songwriting
* Broadcasting
* Publicity
* Journalism/ Blogging
& Much More...
NOTE: To Select a specific service, click one of the logos above. If the option is not accessible, then feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for the support & Much success to you in the battlefield. LI Salute....

* Web Development
* Marketing
* Consultant
* Public Relations
* Production
* Trademarking
* Company Branding
* Songwriting
* Broadcasting
* Publicity
* Journalism/ Blogging
& Much More...
NOTE: To Select a specific service, click one of the logos above. If the option is not accessible, then feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for the support & Much success to you in the battlefield. LI Salute....